Number Egg Carton Craft
This is a SUPER EASY craft! You probably have most of the materials to make this at home!
We use this to help Yaseen with: number order, number recognition, matching skills, counting, developing fine motor and eye and hand coordination skills while learning new vocabulary in both Arabic and English.
What You Need:
- Numeral Template (scroll towards end of blog)
- Egg Carton(s) (depends on the number of egg holders)
- Popsticks
- Glue Gun or PVA Glue
- Stanley Knife
- Laminator (optional)
How To Make:
1. You'll need to print 2 sets of numbers. Start by cutting one set of each English and Arabic numbers. I laminated my numbers for longer durability.
2. Glue each number to a pop stick.
3. Glue the remaining 2 sets onto the back of the egg holders. I used a carton with 30 egg holders. You can also use a carton with a dozen egg holders.
4. Using your knife, cut small slots in between each egg holder (just like below).
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