'Mustafa & Arwa Go On A Prayer Adventure' Book Review
We just reviewed 'Mustafa & Arwa Go On A Wudu Adventure' HERE, and this is another fun book by Muslim Pillars.
'Mustafa & Arwa Go On A Prayer Adventure' introduces little children to the names and times of the 5 prayers in an absolute fun way!

While reading this book to my boys (aged 4.5 and 2.3 years) I was drawn to the important messages written in couplet rhymes: "Fajr is the BEST way to start your day" and "Remember Allah even while having FUN."

It links success to praying on time, and mentions memorising Qur'an as being your source of light. I'm absolutely thrilled because I can elaborate further with activities, linking them back to the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Again, the illustrations remain consistent and are so playful! The book is 22 pages, soft cover and perfect size for little hands.
It ends with a prayer glossary which is great especially for non muslim readers. I'm absolutely loving this series! Looking forward to reviewing the next 2 books just before Ramadan insha'Allah!

I really think Muslim Pillars should create a series 2 (especially for this book), whereby the characters go on an adventure to teach children how to perform the prayer.