The Journey Continues...
In our ever-changing world, we are constantly being flooded with reminders every single day. Some days we may read them and move on, other days we just pause and really ponder... {that's what I did... almost 4 years ago!}
This beautiful ayah is the main inspiration behind the work we do. You see, before Zed&Q it was just me, myself and I... a young woman, not knowing which direction to turn to. Coming from a large family {I'm Lebanese!}, it's pretty hard not to take everyone's criticism. So there I was.
I moved out of home for 2 years due to some challenging moments. Being away from loved ones was one of the hardest things I endured. At that time I was working as a Nurse and seeing my patients every day was really delightful. However, once my shift was over, reality set in- I was on my own, still feeling isolated. I realised things had really changed. Even my interaction with loved ones became very minimal. I remember feeling so depressed and was literally hiding behind a smile.
My parents always reminded my siblings and I to always maintain relationships with family, relatives and friends. Remembering this, I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone and reconcile hearts. Throughout these 2 lonely years I finally found the courage to do so! {Yes, it took me 2 long years!}
And that's what I continued doing!
Ever since, people have been thanking me for giving them the motivation to step up and do what’s right. I'm forever grateful with everything I face now, because I know there is greater wisdom behind it!


MashAllah love your story. May Allah put barakah in all your relationships, Ameen.